Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bring in the Clown!

Today I was served with a Temporary Victims Restraining Order in regards to William White. It seems last week someone matching my description assaulted our Billy. This person allegedly stalked Mr. White from his home then thrashed him in the parking lot
of a grocery store near Mr. White's house. According to court papers filed against me
this person blacked both of William's eyes and kicked him repeatedly in the groin as he lay on the ground, crying like a little bitch. Cliff Harrington was also named as an accomplish in the beating. Until we go to court next month I am not allowed legally to come within 100 feet of Billy "the bitch" White.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Billy boy was the one that started the war. Now he don't like it? Aw.....

Sholem Asch said...

The commander is smart. He will have all you lairs in court for slandering him. Even Corky knows this.