Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It Is A Crying Shame!

What the fuck happened People? Here we were with Bill on the run and everyone getting along in their perverse hatred of Billy "Bumps" White. We had elements of the NSM, black people, Jews, Nimbusters, 7chan, and Academics all cooperating for the greater good to fuck over William C (the C is for Cocksucker) White. We had him on the run, people!

It is a BEAUTIFUL THING! Let's work together to fuck over Billy.....then we can fight among ourselves!


Anonymous said...

Because nimmy-boy, it is in our common interest to destroy him.

Anonymous said...

Jim Ramm, Schultz, Bill White....Dangerous Radicals ? Give me a break. A freak show more like. They set up websites and call eachother queer for weeks on end. Rough stuff! Next round will see them hurling abuse about eachothers mother !
Schultz: I fucked your Mom, Bill.
Bill: I fucked your Mom too!
Scultz I was kiding. You're Mom
is too ugly to fuck.
Ramm: I fucked your Mom with
my uniform on .....etc
That ought to scare the commies and the liberals and the blacks no end. They must be really worried by you guys. The knowledge that when you're finished with eachother all this awaits them - Fetish websites by guys who get off by wearing uniforms and pretending they're in the army ! Walk on the wild side !

Anonymous said...

NSM websites have many photos of so elements of the so called womens division. After even a casual glance at these one can only wonder why obsesity is such a problem with Nazi women. Take for instance the Womens division website. There, ironically perhaps, you have many photo's of Aryian Hitlerites from Germany in the 30's and 40's doing physical exercise etc etc. Images of healthy blond females strutting their stuff pervade. But in graphic contrast to these slim and trim wonders when we come to the actual photo's of current day NSM female members a heafty, weigthy difference reveals itself like an elephant walking into a donut shop. There we find in all their spherical expanse women who, in all fairness, have been hiting the pizzas and hamburgers more than most - and far more than they should ! Indeed WHite's partner is relatively slim in this company. She's only a slip of a thing compared to the NSM gals ! Whatever other conclusion may be drawn let us square up to this central fact :Before they seize the country or whatever it is they have a mind to seize, a strict regieme of dieting must take place within the Womens Divison of the NSM if there's to be any chance of victory. In their present shape and condition these members will be doing little stormtrooping to any great purpose. They must get the fat off ! JUST SAY NO GIRLS !

Anonymous said...


Ramm is a cousin of sorts of Bill White. YES THEY'RE RELATED BY BLOOD ! Seemingly there's big trouble in the family about whats goin on.

Anonymous said...

Schultz is being used too but he's too stupid to recognize the fact cos hes overwhelmed with the naieve belief that people are taking him seriously for the first time. Schultz needs a holiday !

Anonymous said...

Schultz DEFINITELY needs a holiday before he completely loses the plot. Rumour has it it that he stands in front of the mirror for hours imitating Bill White. He is also said to have a tattoo stating his hatred of White on his body. UNconfirmed reports of Schultz being involved in the theft of clothes from White's garden clothes-line for unclear purposes are beginning to sound plausible. Likewise the talk of Schultz wearing BW's pyjamas under his trousers must not be ignored. We need to organize and help this poor boy before he screws himself up beyond human help. We have a duty !

Anonymous said...

Matthew Ramsey was seen carrying a platic bag of clothes (Unwashed)belonging to Bill White which were procured by two NSM suporters, unknownst to White.

Ramsey (Jim Ramm) was later seen dividing the clothes between himself and the two supporters at a clandestine meeting in an underground parking lot. Reports affirm that during the meeting one of the supporters took exception to Ramsey claiming too much of the loot for himself , and moreover, dumping the clean stuff on his two subordinates . As a result a short violent exchange ensued untill Ramsey relented. The three men were then seen rushing away into the night, in what has been described as "a very excited manner"
Ramsey (Ramm) then went missing , it is claimed, for 72 hours after this exchange and when he finally re-appeared from his locked bedroom, sweating profusely, to face worried friends and neighbours he was met with their shock and disbelief regarding the marked deterioration they saw in his physical and mental condition. Ramsey explained himself by claiming to have been on a "journey into the truth of all things, and the essential enduring truths of National Socialism"

Anonymous said...

Jim Ramm and Bill White attend the same therapist and despite their public disagreements still attend together the same self help groups on occasion.

"My name is Commander Ramm of the NAtional Socialist Movement and before I take over the country I want to share with you that I'm kinda lonley right now and need to be hugged, but I know now thanks to the fellowship there's nothing wrong with that. My disease tells me it's not ok to want to be hugged and kissed, but Im recovering now and so is my inner child. Seig Heil !

My name is Commander Bill WHite of the ANSWP and before we go any further I want you all to know that I'm leaving this group because of filthy satanists and homosexuals and child abusers, and Im setting up my own self help group for people who really need help ! Not like you imposters . MY group will be composed of the real lonley and deluded - not you faggot assed phonies ! I hate Howlin Hal ! Heil Hitler !

Anonymous said...

Jim Ramm and Bill White attend the same therapist and despite their public disagreements still attend together the same self help groups on occasion.

"My name is Commander Ramm of the NAtional Socialist Movement and before I take over the country I want to share with you that I'm kinda lonley right now and need to be hugged, but I know now thanks to the fellowship there's nothing wrong with that. My disease tells me it's not ok to want to be hugged and kissed, but Im recovering now and so is my inner child. Seig Heil !

My name is Commander Bill WHite of the ANSWP and before we go any further I want you all to know that I'm leaving this group because of filthy satanists and homosexuals and child abusers, and Im setting up my own self help group for people who really need help ! Not like you imposters . MY group will be composed of the real lonley and deluded - not you faggot assed phonies ! I hate Howlin Hal ! Heil Hitler !