Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Video You've Been Waiting For: SLEDGEHAMMER88 spanks Meghan White's Naughty naked butt! THANK YOU NIMBUSTERS!

This Video is Meghan Cooper the future Mrs. Bill White getting her naughty ass spanked by Sledgehammer88 a White National for having sex with black men.


Anonymous said...

Do you have any other parts of the video so we can compare the voice to make sure it's her? I like how Bill is slandering other women when his wife is one here being a slut.

Anonymous said...

Yeah ANSWP is just a rag tag bunch of losers that can't cut it anywhere else. How many people went to their congress, I think it was around 7 that's it. Pretty freaking sad Bill. Your supposed to have 19 guys in KY and you can't even get the host's state full unit out. Pretty Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Ramm profile on newsaxon was pretty interesting yesterday. Gay isnt the word for it. Says hes come out of the closet. But the best part was his " declaration of love" messagae he posted on the commanders page:)

Ken Kraus Ken said...

FYI: I am not Jim Ramm. Wonder who I am "Commander Shemale"? Remember when you were stalking a certain woman and you looked into my eyes out side her apartment building then got your coward ass a steppin'? Is it coming back to you now liar?

For everyone else. I do not have the voice (on this Video)....yet but I am working on it. The following link was sent to me by a Nimbuster who is looking for the rest of the tape that was given to him by SLEDGEHAMMER88 when I have it I will post the rest.

Outlaw said...

Bill should realize that while Ramm and Kraus maybe thorns in his side, The Nimbusters and 7chan will never stop coming for him. Never stop making his life miserable.

Anonymous said...

Schultz and Bill White - a great comedy team who do more to discredit themselves and their organizations than anybody else could.
WHAT DOES YOUR SITE REVEAL ABOUT YOU ? What does it say to the public about your organzation ?

Whatever it is you have going on with Bill White ( and its a love-hate thing whatever else it may be) it isnt war ! It's the sort of bitching 10 year olds get up to. Or a really shitty marriage seperation !

Maybe you should get over Bill. Do some grieving and find somebody new. (To Hero-worship ?)

Anonymous said...

This pre-occupation of yours with homosexuality together with Bill White strongly suggests you have some issues to face up to. You're obsessed with this man and all things anal in relation to him !

Come out of the closet for heaven's sake and get the whole thing off your chest. Nobody will think any the worse of you .Deep down you have some sort of crush for him. But it's not the worse thing that can happen in life. Stop fighting it ! The state you're in at the moment over him is going to drive you mad unless you come to terms with this thing.
Today it's endless websites devoted to him, tomorrow tatoo's of him ? Where will it end ? Accept yourself ! Face the issue. Who knows - maybe he might feel the same way about you.

Anonymous said...

You guys are making a laughing stock of yourselves. Imagine how much joy this site and Overthrow brings to anti-Nazi campaigners. They couldn't buy this stuff ! This shit will come back to haunt you clowns.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NSM websites have many photos of elements of the so called womens division. After even a casual glance at these one can only wonder why obsesity is such a problem with Nazi women. Take for instance the Womens division website. There, ironically perhaps, you have many photo's of Aryian Hitlerites from Germany in the 30's and 40's doing physical exercise etc etc. Images of healthy blond females strutting their stuff pervade. But in graphic contrast to these slim and trim wonders when we come to the actual photo's of current day NSM female members a heafty, weigthy difference reveals itself like an elephant walking into a donut shop. There we find in all their spherical expanse, women who, in all fairness, have been hiting the pizzas and hamburgers more than most - and far more than they should ! Indeed WHite's partner is relatively slim in this company. She's only a slip of a thing compared to the NSM gals ! Whatever other conclusion may be drawn let us square up to this central fact :Before they seize the country or whatever it is they have a mind to seize, a strict regieme of dieting must take place within the Womens Divison of the NSM if there's to be any chance of victory. In their present shape and condition these members will be doing little stormtrooping to any great purpose. They must get the fat off ! JUST SAY NO TO FRIED SHCIKEN AND DONUTS GIRLS !

Anonymous said...


Ramm is a cousin of sorts of Bill White. Seemingly there's big trouble in the family about whats goin on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah they do seem to resemble eachother when you look at their photos

Anonymous said...

Jim Ramm has had his nipples pierced in a an attempt to copy Bill White who in turn was imitating Howlin' Hal, who White oddly claims is in fact of Chinese origin.

Recently two other NSM members tried to follow suite with their respective nipples only to lacerate themselves with kitchen utensils.
The two women in question are said to be recovering slowly from their ordeal and have promised never to try anything like that "ever again."
When asked by doctors how they felt after the emergency surgery, one of the NSM women replied " I dont know which is worse - this or having another abortion !"

Meanwhile both White and Ramm have denounced the two women as "dumb bithces". Ramm insists that from now on all prospective members will be subject to an IQ test for the purposes of security. However, he stressed that this should not worry prospective, or existing members for that matter, as they all were are part of superior white race and civilization , "no matter how f****ing dumb they are.

WHite for his part is quoted as saying, "It's all part of a Chinese conspiracy which Hal is behind. He eats rice, so what do you expect ??? He even plays ping-pong. Hal isn't sucessfull. I am. Seriously. I am really. Hal is a nobody. Really. Really. "

When asked to comment Howlin' Hal replied "I'm Hal, and you're not !"

Anonymous said...

Jim Ramm and Bill White attend the same therapist and despite their public disagreements still attend together the same self help groups on occasion.

"My name is Commander Ramm of the NAtional Socialist Movement and before I take over the country I want to share with you that I'm kinda lonley right now and need to be hugged, but I know now thanks to the fellowship there's nothing wrong with that. My disease tells me it's not ok to want to be hugged and kissed, but Im recovering now and so is my inner child. Seig Heil !

My name is Commander Bill WHite of the ANSWP and before we go any further I want you all to know that I'm leaving this group because of filthy satanists and homosexuals and child abusers, and Im setting up my own self help group for people who really need help ! Not like you imposters . MY group will be composed of the real lonley and deluded - not you faggot assed phonies ! I hate Howlin Hal ! Heil Hitler !

Anonymous said...

Bill Whites partner had 3 abortions.The last one Ramm performed to save Bill money.

theory as to why blondes are dumb said...

I came up with a theory as to why blondes are dumb.
Here it is:
Blondes get sunburnt really easy due to their really pale skin and yet even though they get sunbunt so easily it seems like they like to lay out in the sun a lot, more than anyone else.
So I was thinking that it was the combination of the fact that blondes get sunburnt so easy but yet they like to lay out in the sun so much that all that getting sunburnt damages their brains and makes them dumb. Does anyone else agree with my theory?